The New Pink Blossom
Type: Rosé Dry Wine
Grapes: Bali Cabernet Sauvignon & Bali Shiraz
Alcohol Content: 12%
A delicate bouquet of floral and spicy notes, featuring fresh red berries followed by hints of lychee, rose petals, candied peel, and warming ginger.
A soft, rich, and vibrant acidity is beautifully balanced by moderate sweetness, enveloping the palate with exotic flavors.
An excellent choice as an aperitif, this wine pairs wonderfully with poultry-based dishes such as chicken satay lilit and turmeric chicken, as well as salmon, tuna, cold cuts, and gazpacho.
Pengiriman Order barang (dikirim barang) hanya dilakukan pada hari Senin s/d Jumat jam 09.00-13.30
- Order same day dan kurir reguler sampai jam 10:30 dan instant sebelum jam 12:00 akan diproses pengiriman di hari yang sama.
- Untuk pembayaran diatas jam 12.00 akan diproses pengiriman dihari berikutnya.
- Pembayaran pada Hari Libur Nasional akan diproses pengiriman pada hari kerja berikutnya.
- Pembayaran pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu akan diproses pada hari kerja berikutnya.
- Diharap untuk merekam video unboxing ketika pesanan tiba, complain mengenai order hanya akan diterima jika ada video unboxing yg jelas dari pesanan tiba.
In order to purchase alcoholic beverages, you must be at least 21 years of age. There will be ID verification process through ID card submission after the transaction is completed.